Monday, 27 January 2014

Orange, orange and more orange!

This weekend (and to be honest most of Friday) was dedicated to orange! I had a customer who ordered an orange bathrobe, with orange trim and matching orange slippers. Typically I make all my bathrobes in white and use a contrasting trim but I thought this sounded fun so off I went. Sadly after the 3rd store confirmed there was no orange terrycloth in the area I was almost ready to give up. But my husband went online and tracked some down at a store on my way home, a little terrycloth miracle if you will! :)

The sewing was straight forward and I was so happy with the results...I may even try some more colors for the etsy shop this year!

So it wasn't exactly sewing for my kids....but I still think it was a great start to Kid's Clothing Week!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Kid's Clothing Week - Winter

I can't wait. After wrapping up a recent trip to the fabric store with my youngest I have a nice list of projects that will be perfect to start next week!
After months without requests the "can you make me" requests have started again. It's been a hard balance, when I started sewing it was intended to be for the kids, home made costumes maybe a party dress or two, a cute bow tie. Then it turned into a business and this year with the etsy shops being busier than ever the pleasure sewing the "we can make anything" fun that I used to have with the kids has fallen by the wayside. But it's back, I'm working on my first tutorial (which I hope to post early next month), I'm making new products for the shops and I have the beginning of a KCW Challenge list. Time to charge up the camera and make sure I'm stocked up on thread!
My sewing list:
pajama's (his & hers)
spring dress
light weight vest
Jake vest for the dress up box
I've started the week with more ambitious lists, but here's hoping a few season's of experience will have given me a more realistic goal!
Happy sewing!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

A ballerina bag

The end of last year brought a lot of sewing but I feel like the business of sewing took away from the pleasure of sewing for the people I love. Since the New Year, with everything a little bit quieter, I've managed to finish up some of the little things the kids have been asking for (of course for every item I've finished they've added 3 things to the list), a neck warmer for the little boy, mitten clips for my daughter but by far my favourite project has been the ballerina bag.

All fall my daughter asked for dance lessons but it was so hectic and I was trying to head back to work so wasn't sure where to schedule them so it kept being put off. As Christmas arrived I knew that there was no putting it off any further, she needed to be registered in January if she wanted to dance in a recital in June. So off we went to buy new ballet attire, register for the lessons and wait for those lessons to start. Her excitement was tangible as each little step brought us a little closer to starting class and as I pulled out our old dance bag I knew we'd need a little something new. In December I had picked up this adorable Michael Miller fabric and I knew it had to become her dance bag. Don't ask me why but I've been fixated on barrel bags for months now so the perfect fabric met with a months old picture in my head and in no time we had a finished ballerina bag.

She loves it, I love it! Of course the critical part of my brain acknowledges the issues...the fabric was little light for this application, there's a few wonky stitch lines...oh well!

Linked up at:
The Dedicated House
Skip To My Lou

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Well December seemed to hit like a sledgehammer this year. I was caught flat footed by a huge volume of holiday orders which was fantastic but absolutely resulted in a drop everything and sew like the wind kind of month. Needless to say all the niceties of the holidays, the decorating, the baking, the wrapping tended to be last minute and done without the pleasure I find usually find in it. That said, the pressure on sewing got my creative fires fueled and I have lots of new ideas I hope to bring to life over the next few months.

In the meantime I'm happy to let you all know about a sale I have going on now:
Wishing you a Happy New Year!